Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Memo to Dr. Liu: Brochure cretique

To: Dr. Liu
From: Allison Reynolds & Zach Tijerina
Subject: Critiques of ICON brochure
Date: October 10, 2007

The purpose of this memo is to critique the ICON brochure given in class on October 10, 2007 for class activity 11. The goal of the class activity was to help the students better understand visual design.

Overall, we felt that the ICON brochure was effective and visually pleasing for students as ourselves. The simple layout was easy on the eyes as well as easy to understand.

The ICON brochure’s purpose it to inform students about the online data base for freshman English classes. With this in mind, the audience is predominantly freshman.

All of the topics in the brochure are placed together to accomplish proximity. For example, all the frequently asked questions are grouped together for easy reading as well as types of writing used in ICON. Headings are aligned with a question following and the pattern continues throughout the brochure. The graphics are also aligned appropriately with the text to organize information. Repetition stays consistent in the FAQ section and the fonts as well as font sizes are consistent. The repetition allows for the reader to acknowledge one thought. Contrast is efficient throughout brochure. Areas with light backgrounds have dark colored lettering, while areas with dark colored backgrounds have light colored lettering.

The brochure covered all of the basic qualifications for efficient visual communication. We have not found as an effective layout of brochures.

We would like to speak with you on future improvements of future brochures. Please contact me at a convenient time to set up an appointment.

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